Company Values

Barnett Logistics, LLC is committed towards an open governance system whereby its activities are managed and undertaken ethically, transparently, and in the interests of all concerned stakeholders.

This shall be undertaken through implementation of the following company values:

 We intend to conduct our business ethically and transparently, respecting all applicable laws

 We intend to be a responsible corporate citizen fulfilling our obligations as an integral

member of society. Hence our business decisions shall give appropriate weight and

consideration to social and environmental impacts

 We intend to provide products of uncompromising quality to meet the needs of our customer

 We intend to seek mutually beneficial and enduring relationships in all the commitments that we make, ensuring that they are straightforward and honest. Hence our communication shall be open and accurate, internally and externally

 We intend to optimize the creation of wealth to provide fair reward and recognition for the contributions of our stakeholders

 Ultimately we intend to uphold all the above company values, promoting our employees and respective third parties engaged by us to do likewise